At least for me, and for the third year now I have realized that there are certain activities I start picking up right before my exams come closer...
And when I say activities, I am talking about ONE particular activity that neither require much physical nor psychological effort. Guessed what it is yet?
Well, it is *drum roll please*.... Watching Gilmore girls reruns on tv! I weirdly start to slowly move towards the TV if I am at home studying before an exam at the exact time it comes on, and it is even weirder that it (still!) makes me soooo calm and happy. I don't even care what episode or season they are showing (As I have at least seen season 1 - 3 about 10000 times, not the rest of the seasons though... if your a Jess and Roy fan-girl like me you know why the rest of the seasons don't need obsessive re-watching...) I just overly enjoy the show, and usually strategically plan my "lunch break" around that time.
What I am trying to say is that this is the third year and maybe, 3 semester? That I am turning to this habit right before my exams. Not only do I start watching it on TV. I also start reading Gilmore girls fanfiction "every" night before I go to sleep. So, I basically revisit those good memories of watching my all time favorite show during exam preparations, and I have summed up the reason for it (no need for professional therapy here!): It is freaking comforting! It takes me back to all the good times I spent watching the show, and it takes the exam nerves and stress away for the short period of time I spend watching the show or reading whatever fiction out there. The other day I even started watching fan videos on youtube... hah...
Once I also remember having a vivid dream of coming to one of my high school exams, where the exam paper asked me to describe and analyze my favorite TV-show (Hmm, what would I answer?!)!... Awww, they don't call them dreams for nothing :(
Anyways! Exams are coming up, and at the end of December I will be done and then I can finally relax, get a hair cut, watch random shows and movies and slouch around without feeling guilty about school and so on...
What about you (invisible people following my blog) what are your annoying/positive pre-exam habits?
Credit: Tumblr.. |