onsdag 22. mai 2013

I finally smell summer!

Welcome back sleep!

Had my last exam yesterday, it was the toughest one this semester and it was the one exam I had been dreading. I managed to answer most of the questions, which should at least get me to pass the subject. I hope. I left the exam room feeling quite satisfied, although seriously relieved. It could have been worse. (Maybe its to early to say, but lets stay positive!)

So, now my summer holiday can start! As much as I want to laze (is that a word?) around at home with nothing to do but watch all the tv shows and movies I have put on hold, I know that won’t be the only thing keeping me busy this summer. These first couple of days and weeks will be pretty free, after that I will start working full time at my summer job (the one I am kind of tired of, but I don’t really have anything else lined up and, who am I kidding? I need the money).

Anyways, I am feeling such big relief and I cant wait to sit down and make a list of all the little things that I want to do and have been putting off because of my exams. Yay, for making lists!

Have a great summer!

Source: Tumblr.