mandag 30. april 2012

Feeling pouty...

Picture: Wildfox summer 2012. source unknown.
Ok. Exam season, what is there to be said about the subject? You know, different than the usual FML type of sayings... But hey, what about 'exam season' when you are taking different exams on both university and high school levels. You see I am retaking/improving/redecorating my old high school diploma, you know so that some of its wrinkles get straightened out and I can finally apply to some of my 'desired' universities and subjects. (If you're wondering I live in Norway and our admissions to uni depends on high school grades, which you can improve by retaking or adding new subjects).


It is just not that simple when you are feeling totally drained both physically and mentally. I won't go into any deeper summaries here. (I mean we have lots of time for that, now that I have started a blog and all).

I have had three exams so far. To keep it short, two of them has gone very well while the third one, well unfortunately did not. I am still not sure how the results will play out after my GPA gets 'recounted'. Only time will tell, such a cliché but oh so true.
So lesson of the day: Never underestimate traditional cramming! I crammed hard for my two first exams and well the results were better than expected. Now for my third exam I skipped the cramming, assuming (you know what they say happens when you do that right?) I had "figured out" the exam system and found the secret behind "taking-an-exam-without-any-form-of-cramming"... Not one of my brightest ideas, so shoot. Done is done, and like I always say: 'Eaten is eaten' (You know, since once you have eaten something you can't go back? Or  wait, it just comes back out...eww...sorry.) (Damn, I swear it sounds better in Norwegian).

Conclusion: Exam season sucks (Wow, eloquently said I know). And no matter what/how/why you are taking them, it makes me (to quote the title) totally POUTY!

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