Ok, so after completing my second exam, one which I am not so happy with how turned out. I was literally seeing RED! Basically this is what made me irk!: There were two essay types of questions, where I was supposed to pick one. After picking the first one and completing the essay, I realized or I felt like I knew very little about the subject. I feel like my answers were more "general" ramblings on the subject rather then actually using facts and theories from our curriculum. What made the situation worse was realizing that the other alternative essay topic would have been a better choice, since I clearly remembered more relevant themes, theories and arguments around this subject. One might think I just should have went for the other alternative, but stop, there was a catch. I realized this startling fact when there was about one hour left of my exam. I could have tried to write a whole new essay, but at that point I just wanted to finish. Oh, and by the way (this might get gross, but I don't care!) I got my period during my exam -_-. Don't freak out, I was prepared so there was no bloodshed in the exam halls of Oslo university, not today at least.
So, yup. Hopefully some of my (what I think) pointless random bull*** will touch some bored professor, and at least, I hope and pray, let me pass the subject!
Anywho, I came home in a slight pessimistic-fml-mood, took a nap, listened to some Taylor Swift and voilà I (kind off) felt a bit better. I mean whats been eaten has been eaten (ah, my favorite Norwegian saying!). Yes, so I found some new Swifty music, and while watching one of her videos I suddenly wanted to wear red lipstick. I am probably catching on this red lipstick trend somewhat late(or?), but I have never been a fan of lipstick in general. It makes me think of 40 something year old women :/ So, I jumped out of bed, put some on and had some iphone+bathroom+mirror+emo-tween- fun!
Mmmkay, so to end this very "red" day, Ill shower you (whoever you are, even if you are my only reader, you know who you are :P) with some pictures of red lips!
... You start sabotaging your studying by doing the most random things!
At least for me, and for the third year now I have realized that there are certain activities I start picking up right before my exams come closer...
And when I say activities, I am talking about ONE particular activity that neither require much physical nor psychological effort. Guessed what it is yet?
Well, it is *drum roll please*.... Watching Gilmore girls reruns on tv! I weirdly start to slowly move towards the TV if I am at home studying before an exam at the exact time it comes on, and it is even weirder that it (still!) makes me soooo calm and happy. I don't even care what episode or season they are showing (As I have at least seen season 1 - 3 about 10000 times, not the rest of the seasons though... if your a Jess and Roy fan-girl like me you know why the rest of the seasons don't need obsessive re-watching...) I just overly enjoy the show, and usually strategically plan my "lunch break" around that time. What I am trying to say is that this is the third year and maybe, 3 semester? That I am turning to this habit right before my exams. Not only do I start watching it on TV.I also start reading Gilmore girls fanfiction "every" night before I go to sleep. So, I basically revisit those good memories of watching my all time favorite show during exam preparations, and I have summed up the reason for it (no need for professional therapy here!): It is freaking comforting! It takes me back to all the good times I spent watching the show, and it takes the exam nerves and stress away for the short period of time I spend watching the show or reading whatever fiction out there. The other day I even started watching fan videos on youtube... hah...
Once I also remember having a vivid dream of coming to one of my high school exams, where the exam paper asked me to describe and analyze my favorite TV-show (Hmm, what would I answer?!)!... Awww, they don't call them dreams for nothing :( Anyways! Exams are coming up, and at the end of December I will be done and then I can finally relax, get a hair cut, watch random shows and movies and slouch around without feeling guilty about school and so on... What about you (invisible people following my blog) what are your annoying/positive pre-exam habits?
Well. After not "blogging" for a while, I'm back (and guessing by the many comments people left for me I see that have been greatly missed... not. hah.). Anyways, the purpose of this blog for me was to air some of my day to day thoughts or whatever, so I guess I finally have something to rant about... Though I would be lying if I said that I haven't thought about stuff, trust me it is usually the opposite with me, I think about stuff way too much... The blog just hasn't been my outlet these last couple of months, and I have like I often do around fall, gotten stuck in a dont-wanna-talk-to-anyone-rut kind of mood... Ok, enough about that, I promise to however post a longer rant about some of the more deeper, darker stuff at some later time. Yay!
Back to the point, (surprise) I have found a new favorite TV-Show (Still to come on the blog: my list of fave-shows, wohoo!)The show is New girl and, well at first I was skeptical. I mean, a new American sitcom with a quirky girl living with three guys, I can't remember seeing an exact show like that but I still felt like I had seen this kind of plot a hundred times before. So you can add that initial thought with my general opinion of new shows which kind of goes like this: "ugh, I have seen enough comedy, teen dramas, scifi, romance etc. TV-shows , I don't need nor want to be obsessed with anything new, been there - done that, time to move on to more mature hobbies". On that last note, I have clearly failed. New girl turned out to be a pleasant surprise, the characters are well played and most importantly believable in their roles. It has yet not disappointed me in the comedy section and it is light. So it was just the kind of show I would want to watch right now, and I spent maybe under a month watching all of season 1 this summer.
My point being that I try not to start watching to many new shows, I am especially OVER new teen dramas, the vampire diaries, pretty little liars and so on, it don't fascinate me, sorry. Sci fi shows, I feel take to much concentration and dedication to actually follow (I mean I am still healing from watching LOST back in the day)! Now comedy shows and especially new comedy shows is something I am trying to catch up on, I still want to watch Modern Family, 30 rock, parks and recreation +++. And I am currently watching New girl, The office and community (when they come back for the season!) And not to mention Glee (which is its own genre I guess). SO, the point is yes, I am a huge tv nerd. I have cut back on watching TV, but when I find a good TV-show there is always a honeymoon period where I go into an online-fan-girl-stalker mode, downloading pictures and watching youtube videoes and so on...(if I just also made fan videos, chatted in fanforums and read spoilers daily you would have moi le year 2005 - 2009).
Rant over.
Now enjoy these lovely pics of the New girl cast and Hannah Simone, girl is super pretty and HOT (Major new girl crush!)
And also enjoy this awesomely funny videos of Max Greenfield as Scmidt (maybe my favorite character on the show? He's the funniest and most tolerable douche I have ever seen on TV, someone else would annoy me, deeply.
Tried to balance out the "hot"-girl-slouching-at-home pics with the more "elegant" ones... I guess you can see which ones got my attention atleast... Just don't have fit, cuz girl is fineeee! :P
Now some Schmidt!
So, does anyone watch New girl? If yes, why, if no, why? What other tv shows, new or old are peoples favorites? (Anyone ? lol)
Meaning some real quiet time with no obligations and no stress preparing for exams or such. Time and space to read other things than university assigned books, and time to properly relax. And of course I want to travel, preferably to a far away exotic country where there is nothing else to do than sleeping and walking around.
What I have planned and appointed myself to do instead is: WORK.
Last week I went away for a short trip to the UK. This was my first time traveling alone, and it was by plane and train (Oops, unintended rhyming, son!)
It was surprisingly easier that I had imagined (Might have to do with the very organized railroad system in London, and for the fact that English was the main language spoken everywhere.) So there I was, vividly reminded of the Harry Potter movies (You know, the 9 3/4 platform and awesome train coupes.)
Ok, so maybe it wasn't exactly like that, the train was more like the one in that Mr Bean movie, where he goes on a vacation...
The trip it self was nice. I got to shop a little, eat stuff and experience real windy and rainy English weather. It lasted for about 3 days (wow!) and would have been "perfect" if me and my friend's return route wasn't
f**** up by Ryanair's stupid rules and regulations about baggage and hand luggage. We basically were both fined because of minor deviations from their normal rules. And don't get me started on how unfair their hand luggage check is!I was one of four people (out of ca. 100 people) in line who had to put my suit case in that stupid luggage measurement thingy! And of course it was A BIT larger than the mold.
Anyways, lessons learned:
1. Always pack light. Especially if you are traveling with Rynair.
2. You don't need five different outfits for a three day long stay in a country where an umbrella is the most important item at hand. lol.
3. Weigh your baggage before sending it off (This one applies to my friend who sadly had to throw away a lot of stuff, rather than paying a lot of money to keep them :)
4. If you are not a superwoman/energizer-bunny-esque person, don't sign up to go to work 7.45 am the day after. At least not after having traveled on foot, train and plane for a day and a half. (Sleeping on the cold airport ground was not the best idea we had, though sleeping on a very comfortable couch at some airport cafe was "awesome".
5. Remember to set your phone on local time when your back home. I forgot this in the haze of wanting sleep, and ended up waking up later than planned and coming late to work.
So basically I am tired. And I have been ever since I finished my last exams after a somewhat alternative spring semester and after returning from that short trip to going straight to work. But I am feeling better today, thanks to sleeping in and after looking forward to a lazy weekend with only books to read and tv-shows to watch and most importantly sleep! So for the next seven weeks (with one week off) I will go to work everyday, putting on my best customer friendly face, and chatting awkwardly with my coworkers in between breaks...
... When id rather be doing more of this:
Pictures: google.com
Ps. I am grateful to be able to work and to earn some money, it is just that the timing this year kinda sucks. Thats all, now don't shoot me or label me as an ungrateful-brat...at least not yet. hah.
Ok. I don't know why I am posting this but it has to be said. Wtf. is wrong with beliebers (Justin Bieber fans) or more correctly wtf. is wrong with Norwegian beliebers (since I can't compare them to fans from other countries, as I have only had CLOSE encounters with the Oslo-beliebers). I have NEVER witnessed anything like this in my something twenty years here, so in other words: sh** got cray cray! (Sorry had to say it).
Apparantly JB came to Oslo this Wednesday with plans for a "secret" concert, that obviously didn't happen. I don't think JB knew beforehand that downtown Oslo (where he stayed and performed) is very small. So, what happened? Well, tweens from all over the country ran the streets like only 14 year old Bieber-fever-infected-zombies could for two days straight. School? Who cares. Mom and dad? Who? Food/water? Have had enough.
Even JB himself had to tweet the fans for them to stay calm, and to please listen to the police... o_O haha.
Anyways, I met my friend for ice cream yesterday (cover up, so we wouldn't have to admit that we were checking the madness out. lol. No really, atleast she did not want to go, hah.) and there they were, running, climbing, fighting with the police, tearing down barricades and so on. I honestly felt like I was in on of those zombie movies, the only difference being: No one wanted to bite YOU. The girls and the very few guys that were running around had a face only focused on JB himself. There were so much teenage hormones flying around everywhere. And their desperation was quite amusing to observe. Anyways, we did not stay long as it was impossible to get anywhere near the stage (that option was gone early that morning).
In defense of these tweens Ill say that they will never get to be THAT excited about something so "unimportant" ever again. (Pessimistic, yup). When you are 14 you don't really worry about stuff (exceptions do exist,of course) so for them it was that exciting. And I would probably have done the same thing, if I ever got to meet say Justin Timberlake when I was 14. I know I would, therefore I can't judge them either, though I do think tweens today vs. tweens from my "generation" act very differently. Theres more energy and less inhibitions amongst tweens today (I personally think, so no disrespect towards my own age group!). Maybe it is the hyper-techno music craze or all the milk and "leverpostei" (classic Norwegian food, to help kids grow) that has given them these zombie-like tactics... lol. Anyways, it was interesting to witness. And now Oslo can cool down again and wait for the next tween sensation to sweep the nation... (Please be The killers so I can atleast join in a bit in the festivities!! haha.)
So anyways, unfortunately I am sitting here writing a blog post about JB and his visit to Oslo and I blame my at the moment much too "empty" calender and less stressing situation than I have had in a while. Basically that equals more time to do nothing which again = more time to obsess over "petty" celebrity news. I guess I can enjoy it while it lasts, cause soon I will be starting working full time for about seven whole weeks and after that things will probably get more serious... Lets wait and see...and along the way enjoy lazy-crazy-no-obligation-days :)
In the meantime, enjoy this hilarious clip of how things have pretty much gone down in Oslo the last two days:
So, as I am
currently watching the Eurovision song contest final. With
all its tacky-glitter-clad –poor-English- pronunciation-singers and its neigbouring-country-friendly voting system, it still never fails
to entertain or bring cringe-worthy-wtfs to one’s mind. The consolation is that
there are always some “good” acts and
catchy songs, so let’s not bash the concept to the ground. This year I am
rooting for Sweden and “Euphoria”, hoping for a second place for Norway and
Tooji with “stay” ;) If you don’t care
or know what I am talking about, dismiss it and continue reading.Instead
prepare yourself for a hormone raging pic spam and wise words about my favorite
male celebrities…
I’m not
gonna re-rant my intentions for doing this (as I did do that with the first favorite things… post).
Criterias (no
need to for the dudes to meet every single
- Hotness
and attractiveness.
- I like
whatever “art” (tv, music, movies etc) the person has created/been a part of.
- Stage and
all-round personality (the little the public actually sees). Bonus points if the person is a bit "quirky" and “cool”
(after my taste that means said persons mustn't seem too cocky or douchy… This
criteria obviously doesn’t apply to those guys who are just eye-candy, which I’m
not gonna mention too much of this time, hah. Idea for the next F.T post: “just
eye candy”…)
Here we go:
My favorite male celebrities (in no particular order):
Let the Picspamgasm
Darren Criss
- Guy is
cute and hot.
- Before
starring in Glee he starred alongside his mates in “a very Harry Potter musical”,
a “Studentish-amateur” musical about the boy who lived. Point made and major cool
points received.
- Guy seems
to be kinda geeky, and well I’m weak for hot and nerdy guys. So again Darren,
cool points!
And this:
Oh, I would
love to post every single of Darrens glee/other performances, but let’s not get
carried away…
Donald Glover:
- Guy is a very talented: Rapper, actor and comedian.
- Guy is
also kinda geeky (He actually mentions shows like LOST in one of his songs!) So
hot and nerdy guys all the way!
And this:
favorites (from their respective tv-show/movie eras):
From his "jess" days <3
- Guy
"invented" the hot-broody-hates-the-world-teenage-boy as Jess in Gilmore Girls.
- Guy is really good looking. Hah.
Adam Brody
and Benjamin Mckenzie
Both pics from the show and both of them playing vid-games, deal with it.
- Adam in The
O.C as Seth Cohen, the comic-book nerd
with a toy horse called Captein Oats.
- Benjamin
starred as Ryan Atwood, adoptive brother of Seth and “bad boy” turns "good guy".
- Both very cute.
Josh Holloway
Hmm, I wonder why most of the pictures that come up of the dude on google are shirtless... :P
- Played
Sawyer on the show the guy everyone loved to hate, was the hot- -southerner-bad-boy- -turned into sort of a hero. Served “burns” to the other castaways like it was
his "day-job".
Jake Gyllenhaal
- “I wish I
knew how to quit you!” awww! (Yup, quote from Brokeback mountain).
- Cute.
Zac Efron
"Uhh, im gonna look like im in pain, I know the ladies love it" Hah.
- I forgive
him for starting his career in high school musical, (though it was mildly
entertaining, I’ll admit that).
- My
brother mocks me endlessly (still) for obsessing so hard over him a couple of years ago, but hey what can one do? Those eyes…. yum! (ugh, that sounded like something Perez Hilton would say...)
Last but not least:
Brandon Flowers:
- Love the
band. Love the lead singer.
Steve Carell:
- LOVE everything about him and his funny a.., uhm self ;)
- The office + any movie he has been involved with!
THE freaking END.
All photo credit goes to google.
Lastly, wtf, Tooji came last on Eurovision? I did not expect him to win, but last place? Come on! Yea, well my favorite still won, congrats Loreen! :)
Don't you just love it when your curriculum actually bears some similarities to a TV-show you have been a huge fan of? Makes the remembering part so much easier... Sadly there is only a small part in my curriculum that bears this resemblance. But you take what you get, right? (Damn the 20 other theorists that doesn't get mentioned on Lost!)
So, here is something I made in like 15 minutes out of sheer studying "pleasure". Now I'm going back to the rest of the subjects, so yea...wish me good luck...
Long story short: I am in my early twenties, I live with my mother and so far when it comes to housework all I am in charge of is cleaning my bedroom and the occasional pitching in when cleaning the rest of the house (seldom). Yesterday, my mom went on a 10 day vacation/family visit (abroad) for ten days, leaving me in charge. Now my older brother also lives with us, but in true "50's fashion", I am expected to keep the house "together". Just so you don't think I am a complete spoiled-twenty-something-brat, In my defence, I am NOT used to cleaning the whole house or doing the majority of the chores. Obviously this explains my personal "bratty-ness" at the age that I am... So the coming days will be awesome! Not.
To explain/complain further: Already today I have washed some dishes, actually a lot of dishes thanks to my two friends peeping in yesterday demanding food and cake (not that it wasn't ok, it was nice ya'll (; ). And after that I have scrubbed the kitchen floor, folded laundry and whats yet to come: buying groceries and making dinner. Did I mention how excited I was about this?
Even if I am found of complaining, I can say that I have already after one day started to get more respect for my mother. She has done this way too long, especially for her two (grown up) lazy kids. And she does it with so much grace. All I can say is that these ten days will just be a "taste" of how real "adult" life is. Although, I do not plan on marrying someone who wont participate in all the household chores, so doing everything will not be an option! So in this day and age, we might claim to consist of 50/50 households, but is it really that "fair" in real life? I am not sure. I can't speak out of experience, but I personally think that women still do more household related work. And by looking at the "baking-trend" that has taken over large parts of Europe and America, the ideal of the traditional 1950's housewife can be claimed to have returned. So what does that say about us with all our feminism and gender equality knowledge?
I for once can't or wont try to answer all of these questions, and we are all aware of the huge development that has occurred in most countries. The overall social situation is significantly much better for both sexes, especially for women than what they were 50-60 years ago, but it also seems like some traditions and gender roles haven't changed much, even in these "feminism" days. I could go into a huge discussion about whether or not women are naturally more attracted to caring for others, housework and so on vs. Culture and its impact on training women to be more like this or that. But I wont. I have an exam in a couple of days, and (sadly) my own dinner to make.
So until my mom comes back, I will probably be more turned off at the prospect of marriage and so on, but I will definitely help out more around the house once shes back. And then I can maybe live up to the name of actually being an adult (an adult that lives with her mom, that is), cause clearly a "formal" age of legal majority isn't enough.
And just because google seems to be my best friend these days, I'm posting some fitting pictures and a link to Beyonce's song "Why don't you love me". If only the "1950's housewife" look came without the actual work... Then I bet we all would look like her...haha.
Without any further ado I present to you (anyone?) the first ever Rantyhoney post on her favorite stuff! This being the first post has no intentions of ranking my interests at all; it is just a pointer of what I randomly felt like writing about at this present time.
With that said and out of the way. This post will list SOME of my celebrity girl crushes. Criteria’s for making the list (Wohoo, cause this is super exclusive. Watch out Hollywood!): - I like how the person looks and/or acts. Based on whatever I have seen of both scripted roles and public appearances (Let’s call it being subjectively shallow).
- I like whatever “art” (tv, music, movies etc) the person has created/been a part of.
- I have at some point, or of something related to the person felt some kind of social/any kind of resemblance to myself (This obviously doesn’t count for ALL of my faves… haha!)
- They have inspired me with something, at some point.
- They are HOT, Like Beyonce would (probably more like what Rihanna would say but anyways) say “if I was a boy”…. Or if that someone has made you say: “I would totally change teams for you honey…” hah.
(Ps. All criteria’s must not necessarily be met by one/each person.)
Ok I think that covers everything. And yes, I know they are celebrities and why should one care so much about them, when they don't know you exist and blah blah blah… The point is. Celebrities exist and for some people they have probably made their life a little easier to cope with. They haven't made life easier (Definitely not in a practical way, like my mom says when I have my fan girl moments: “Will they feed you?, Will they pay your bills? Off course not, duh!), but they might have brought some laughter, tears or whatever into a slow, hectic, whatever kind of life. And for that reason I am “proud” (at least proud enough to make a blog where I write stuff like this, since I don't go around ranting like this to anyone, and for the few people who unfortunately have to listen to my: “Omg I love this and this person... “Suck it up! And for the rest of you, who don’t exist: “I don’t care.”) Back to the point, I am proud to say that - yes, I am a fan girl and yes, I am lame enough to even spend some (a lot of) time to rant, analyze and post pictures, videos of things/people I like or find “fascinating”! (When I actually (like always) should be studying. Ah the story of my life).
Finally. Top 6 female celebrity crushes (In no particular order!) + honorable mentions of new/old crushes. And sorry, this is supposed to be a light and fluffy post so no mentions of any political or any “serious” peeps.
Warning: Major pic-spam-esque stuff down below!
- Girl is hot.
- Girl sings catchy songs.
- Girl has kind of a "F*** off" kind of an attitude, which at the right time and place is "admirable".
Lea Michele
- Girl has loads of TALENT.
- Girl doesn't look or "act" like the typical singer/actress.
- Did I say that girl can sing!?
- Girl is short, I'm short.
Autumn Reeser
- Girl played Taylor Townsend on The O.C, a quirky, at times slutty (season 3 Taylor!) nerd-turned-bad boy-saving-OC princess.
- Girl looks good.
Alexis Bledel
- Girl starred in one of my all time favorite tv-shows Gilmore Girls as Rory Gilmore, a nerdy, witty, smart small-town girl trying to achieve her big dreams. Oh, and Rory's best friend was her mother.
- Girl is pretty.
Jessica Simpson
- Girl is ditzy, yes. Girl has starred in a MTV reality show, and several other, yes. But girl seems to be pretty "real".
- Girl helped a 13 year old insecure me with her music (her album "in this skin", every teenage girl should listen to it).
- Girl is cute.
Honorable mentions and recent obsessions/re-obsessions:
Alicia Keys
- Her music!!
Michelle Branch
- Her music!!
- Seriously, her old/new stuff is pop gold!
Mindy Kaling
- She plays Kelly Kapoor on The office, need I say more?
- Girl has a new book out, which I am dying to read! (Will write more about it later!)
Lady gaga
"Imma eat this sandwich in yo face bitch, Nom!"
- Girl is a pop-princess that sometimes dresses like a piece of meat (literally). - Girl has catchy, but "deep" songs. No, really - "pokerface"?
The end...
I wanna thank google for giving me the oppurtunity to waste time gazing at my computer screen. And my mom, for giving me the biggest gift of all, the gift of life. Thank you, now you can say your daughter made a difference.
With an over the top celebrity blog-post.
Ok, last thing:
I'm impressed. Now if I could only apply this much of an "effort" into other things...
Like I explained to my friend. I just needed to get this out of my system. In blog-writing. So until the next excessive fluff post...
Lol. I'm going to keep it short and just quote one of the top (youtube) comments posted on this video: "He just described my awkward life". (Thumbs up!)
If your only interested in the "nervous/shy-people" jokes, these start around 06:20. Though I recommend watching the whole thing, it's really awkward but seriously funny!
In the name of more randomness, I have decided that I am going to be listing some of my favorite things.
And in the progress I'll be doing something that I have grown to appreciate, which is - you guessed it - making lists!
As a former unorganized "flake" of a teenager I am now a half-way perfectionist wannabe/listmaker/packs-her-backpack-the-night-before-school kind of person (the organized me - comes and goes though, you should have seen me and my planning skills in action the first day of January this year!).
So, just for fun and for the sake of future reference and documentation I will simply be writing posts about stuff/celebrities/music anything really that I like/love/hate etc. After all this is my virtual diary and I wanna show my kids (kids, huh?) what their mommy was fan-girling about in her twenties (plus all the emotional/angsty stuff that might pop up....) More precisely it is just for the sake of having it all written down somewhere, so I can easily read through it myself ;) Cause who is following this blog anyways? Haha.
So in the spirit list making! Lets listen to "my favorite things" from The sound of music! I'm kinda ashamed of saying this, but I still haven't watched it! But I will... soon! How can I not when it is on my "movies to watch list".
And yes, I'm posting the glee version too. Yea, I admit it I am a sucker for American-mainstream-tween-entertainment. Sue me.
That is Justin Timberlake! No hate lil JB, but this Monday (like so many of my Mondays lately) as I was studying accompanied by youtube and music I briefly and totally randomly watched Biebers newest music video - "boyfriend". Now the song itself is okay. Only problem is that the video, theme and concept is kind of a copy of Nsync's "girlfriend". Anyways, JB made me realize one thing (I'm not going into a fury about the copying thing, whats the point? The fans will buy anything :P I should know I am a fan girl myself, hah.. Even though I later read somewhere that JB claimed to have never even seen the Nsync video! How rude! hah.)
Yes so, back to the point: JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE IS AND WAS THE MAN! I was a huge fan at the age of 12/13 and Nsync and Justin were and still are awesome. I had a hugeeeee crush on JT, I'm talking posters, fan letters and major day-dreamage!
I especially loved JT's albums: "Justified" (Thats where the title comes from, "(oh no) what you got") and "Futuresex-lovesounds", which I still consider one of my all time favorite rnb/pop albums (check them out, seriously!). Oh man, I could go on with a looooong rant about the albums, describing each song on it, but I won't (since im currently, yup trying to *drumroll* STUDY :).
Ok. On a last note.. I'm just gonna post one of Nsync's videoes and I wish I could post all my favorite Nsync and JT videos, but I'm going to refrain. (You know to preserve whats left of my sanity) Just do me a favor, and someday just go through all their stuff. It is amazing! (Ugh, early 90's and 00's music/memories flooding my brain!!)
And if you still hate it, well fine. At least you tried.
Fittingly this expression comes to mind:
"Personal taste is like your butt, it's divided" - "Smaken er som baken, den er delt".
(Another Norwegian expression that clearly doesn't work in English!)
So, if you guys have seen both JB's and Nsync's videos what do you think? Rip off of or tribute?
I think this girl said it pretty well:
*Goes back to the Timberlake, and trust me it is very deep,wet and...* Wow, haha. If that doesn't deserve a "thats what she said" than I don't know. Sorry. Lol.
If you ask some of my closest friends what I had self-diagnosed myself with last year. They would tell you that I would go around telling them I had become a schizophrenic. They would then continue to mock me and then try to explain to me that I was being irrational and simply exaggerating whatever "bi-polar"-ish behavior I was trying to explain or justify. And yes, I was exaggerating. Looking back (which was really just a couple of months ago) I know, I was exaggerating. I was probably (still am) RESTLESS. And well, I just couldn't call it that, because being schizo is so much more serious and sounds so much like a "real" problem.
And yes, I admit I was being over dramatic. And those same friends of mine who had to listen to my many rants about my "medical-mental" condition will tell you that I do probably do/did that pretty often. I guess you could say that like Beyonce has her Sasha Fierce, I have my "teenage drama queen" - call her whatever you want - alter ego. While Sasha Fierce is Beyonce's sexy twin, my twin is the overly stressed, anxiety, rambling Sasha Angst.
So for the last couple of months (after many discussions about my so called schizophrenic "diagnosis") I have moved past it, and realized that whatever I was or am going through is more correctly just some good ol' fashioned restlessness. And yes, it might sound less serious and it might not be an official medical term. But at least I am not striving to label or diagnose myself with a serious condition that is as pointed out already much more serious than a case of "having worms in your a**" (another Norwegian expression that works poorly in english!). Because going around telling your friends you have caught a serious mental disease is not fair to those people who actually suffer from the real stuff.
So lesson learned, or wait...
You see since I have been having less school work to focus on (im done with three exams, only two to go), less mandatory classes and less work (my boss has practically given me all of may off) I have been sacking it up at home lately. And my newest self-diagnose is that I have caught a mean streak of agoraphobia. (I am just not proclaiming it to the "world" like a serious and literal thing, like I did with the above mentioned condition...)
Agoraphobia (from Greek ἀγορά, "marketplace"; and φόβος/φοβία, -phobia) is an anxiety disorder characterized by anxiety in situations where it is perceived to be difficult or embarrassing to escape. These situations can include, but are not limited to, wide-open spaces, and uncontrollable social situations such as may be met in shopping malls, airports, and on bridges. Agoraphobia is defined within the DSM-IV TR as a subset of panic disorder, involving the fear of incurring a panic attack in those environments.[1] The sufferer may go to great lengths to avoid those situations, in severe cases becoming unable to leave their home or safe haven.
Since my last failed attempt at self-diagnosing my "condition" I am not claiming to seriously suffer from this (this time). But I will say, and I think I am I am experiencing some mild agoraphobic anxiety these days.
For example I am constantly rethinking and last minute retreating from taking walks outside if I actually don't HAVE to go out. I want to go for walks, I want to take my new bike for a ride and I want to do these things alone. Anyhow lately I have only gone out of the house when I actually have made plans with someone (meaning it has been written down in my calender with precise time and place scrolled down) or if I absolutely need to, or have to go out, like if I have to go buy something from the store. Other than that there has been been many home-study days which honestly becomes home slouchy days, with tv, youtube and music interfering with everything else.
Once I go to campus to study, I will do so with my trusty study-buddy and I will 1- 2 times a week go to the gym right after. Not stopping by my house, because I know I will not leave once I'm inside. It seems to work and I am glad to at least be doing that much. Cause simply going to the gym is such a big step in the right direction if anyone like me is going through similar anxieties or depressions. I can now honestly say that I can master Zumba classes with a bunch of girls, or even crowded gyms filled with bulky, sweaty men and women.
So with that out of the way, I am still trying to be more comfortable with just the simpler tasks of going for a walk or even taking that damn bike of mine out for a ride. So far, I have been out riding my bike two times, both at night, in the dark (paranoid much?) Why? Well, because there's no people on the streets, and there's most importantly no cars blinding me or driving next to me staring (thats what I feel) at me.
So to conclude this excessively long rant and after this weekends serious bike "pimpage" (my vintage 67' rusty bike now has a wooden pleated basket!), my goal for the next week is to ride that bike like I have never rode a bike before! You know, just hoping Sasha Angst will have better things to do than to come out and play...
To end this awesome rant and to reward anyone for reading it, I will shower you with some awesome vintage bike eye candy. (My personal bike will not be shown, so if you must, imagine a blue, rustier, dirtier version of these bikes below :)