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That is Justin Timberlake! No hate lil JB, but this Monday (like so many of my Mondays lately) as I was studying accompanied by youtube and music I briefly and totally randomly watched Biebers newest music video - "boyfriend". Now the song itself is okay. Only problem is that the video, theme and concept is kind of a copy of Nsync's "girlfriend". Anyways, JB made me realize one thing (I'm not going into a fury about the copying thing, whats the point? The fans will buy anything :P I should know I am a fan girl myself, hah.. Even though I later read somewhere that JB claimed to have never even seen the Nsync video! How rude! hah.)
Yes so, back to the point: JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE IS AND WAS THE MAN! I was a huge fan at the age of 12/13 and Nsync and Justin were and still are awesome. I had a hugeeeee crush on JT, I'm talking posters, fan letters and major day-dreamage!
I especially loved JT's albums: "Justified" (Thats where the title comes from, "(oh no) what you got") and "Futuresex-lovesounds", which I still consider one of my all time favorite rnb/pop albums (check them out, seriously!). Oh man, I could go on with a looooong rant about the albums, describing each song on it, but I won't (since im currently, yup trying to *drumroll* STUDY :).
Ok. On a last note.. I'm just gonna post one of Nsync's videoes and I wish I could post all my favorite Nsync and JT videos, but I'm going to refrain. (You know to preserve whats left of my sanity) Just do me a favor, and someday just go through all their stuff. It is amazing! (Ugh, early 90's and 00's music/memories flooding my brain!!)
And if you still hate it, well fine. At least you tried.
Fittingly this expression comes to mind:
"Personal taste is like your butt, it's divided" - "Smaken er som baken, den er delt".
(Another Norwegian expression that clearly doesn't work in English!)
So, if you guys have seen both JB's and Nsync's videos what do you think? Rip off of or tribute?
I think this girl said it pretty well:
*Goes back to the Timberlake, and trust me it is very deep,wet and...* Wow, haha. If that doesn't deserve a "thats what she said" than I don't know. Sorry. Lol.
I found the original lyrics for the jb song, they leaked through wikileaks..they need a plummer..
SvarSlettIf i was your girlfriend (cause justin is a girl if u didnt know..) i wouldnt let u go (and his also kony obviously) i would lick your toe (and he has some toe fetish)but obviously you wont let me cause you are not a ho!
This one is the original but due to too much honesty in the lyrics which they found to be not so mainstream and..well.. WEIRD too, they decided to go with the lyrics u hear in the music vid.
As for jt, his real name is just tit, and they decided to call him justin timberlake cause he liked TIM BuRton and the swanLAKE so ..yea, thats where he got this name from..
both songs AND music vids sucks imo xD
even starships poopie had a better vid AND song imo..anyways nice topics they are everydayish and not so heavy on the heart (iraqi saying XD)
Thanks for the totally random (made up!) facts about jb/jt. I should send these news to perezhilton XD
SvarSlettAnd wait, you actually like the starships song, sorry. I like nicki m, but that song is just super annoying. Do you have poop in your head? (bengali saying XD)
No i dont have poop in my head, but do YOU have poop in your eyes?
SvarSlettCause you didnt read what i wrote correctly, i said that the starships poopie had a better vid and song imo, it doesnt make me like it, cause in fact ive yet to watch and listen to the whole thing.
Also i havnt watched nor heard the whole thing of JB either, but from what ive heard and seen, then yes Nicki beat JB down to the boots on this round (norwegian saying)XD
So wait, you have seen the vids / heard the songs, but only half of them, and then you judge them. Booo! That is like selling the bears skin before it has been shot (Norwegian saying! XD I love translating non-english sayings :D:D)
SlettWell what do you expect they have themselves to blame, and as iraqis say, if they didnt plant it, it wouldn't have grown. xD Saying that about their failure...
SvarSlett(or success maybe im just jealous as some certain people think T_T)
no kidding haha im not jealous *sob sob*
*drinking ice tea*