torsdag 10. mai 2012

My favorite things.

In the name of more randomness, I have decided that I am going to be listing some of my favorite things.
And in the progress I'll be doing something that I have grown to appreciate, which is - you guessed it - making lists! 
As a former unorganized "flake" of  a teenager I am now a half-way perfectionist wannabe/listmaker/packs-her-backpack-the-night-before-school kind of person (the organized me - comes and goes though, you should have seen me and my planning skills in action the first day of January this year!).

So, just for fun and for the sake of future reference and documentation I will simply be writing posts about stuff/celebrities/music anything really that I like/love/hate etc. After all this is my virtual diary and I wanna show my kids (kids, huh?) what their mommy was fan-girling about in her twenties (plus all the emotional/angsty stuff that might pop up....) More precisely it is just for the sake of having it all written down somewhere, so I can easily read through it myself ;) Cause who is following this blog anyways? Haha.

So in the spirit list making! Lets listen to "my favorite things" from The sound of music! I'm kinda ashamed of saying this, but I still haven't watched it! But I will... soon! How can I not when it is on my "movies to watch list".
And yes, I'm posting the glee version too. Yea, I admit it I  am a sucker for American-mainstream-tween-entertainment. Sue me. 

What are your favorite things?

To be continued...

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